Been hard at work compiling all of the finished pieces and getting renders out. Optimizing huge volume renders was more challenging than I anticipated, and it took a while for me to get them under the two hour kill on our render farm. Unfortunately I had to settle for some noisy renders which isnt preferred, but Nukes denoiser got rid of the majority of it.

In order to place the flak around the planes, I extracted their bounding box and expanded it to cover a wider radius. From there points are created using a points from volume node. Its then fed into a simple POP sim to give the points life.

Flak setup. In the wrangle the birthframe is stored as an attribute, which is later used by the timeshift before the for-each to start the flak animation the moment a particle is born.

Flak variations. Created variations using pyro burst source. The 5 distant variations are simulated at a much lower voxel size compared to the ones close to the camera.

Final DOP setup. Used a lot of gas analyze and gas reduce nodes to grab the max density and speed values in order to use them as a control field in the disturbance and turbulence.
While I was waiting for renders I wanted to add a little something extra, so I decided on playing with bullet fire.
Two points are constrained to look at the centroid of the planes, with an added noise to to the P attribute to displace it as it moves in space. It was a fun setup, and worked effectively. I’m still unsure whether or not I will include it in the final comp.
I was originally planning on rendering with Deep, in order to get more control with each layer, but due to time constraints I didn’t have enough time to research and get familiar with it.
Here’s the final sequence:
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